Randall Moore was placed as the chief executive officer of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists in Park Ridge, Illinois. Founded in 1931, the AANA is the professional association representing more than 50,000 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) and student registered nurse anesthetists nationwide; more than 90% of the nation’s nurse anesthetists are members of the Association. The AANA promulgates education and practice standards and guidelines; affords consultation to both private and governmental entities regarding nurse anesthetists and their practice; and supports the profession by awarding education and research grants. In his role, Randy provides staff leadership and support to transform AANA’s mission and vision into action. As the chief staff officer, he is responsible for overall staff leadership and management of Association operations, and acts as a key representative and spokesperson for the AANA, as well as serving as executive secretary to the board of directors, as president and CEO of all AANA for-profit entities, and as a member of the AANA Foundation Board of Trustees.
Prior to joining the AANA, Randy served as the director of perioperative and anesthesia services at the 93-bed Passavant Area Hospital in Jacksonville, Illinois. In that capacity, he oversaw a budget of $25 million and a complement of 100 FTEs, under an umbrella of authority that represented pre-admission services, ambulatory surgery, surgery, anesthesia, the post-anesthesia care unit, and central sterile supply. During his tenure, Randy was involved in several key initiatives, including the purchase of an ultrasound machine for use in the acute pain service that resulted in a 60% increase in monthly revenue for the anesthesia department. He was also responsible for the opening of a new pain clinic, which was a huge success for the organization, exceeding its financial projections by more than 50%. Under Randy’s leadership, surgery revenue increased by 15% and surgical volume by 7%.
Randy began his career in the military, joining the Army immediately following high school. He trained as a paramedic before earning his CRN and CRNA credentials, and was deployed to Afghanistan in a forward surgical team. While continuing to serve in the Army Reserves, Randy pursued civilian positions in nursing, anesthesia, and clinical education. He joined Passavant Area Hospital in 2010 as a CRNA, ultimately working his way up to his most recent role.
Randy has been part of the AANA since 2002, when he joined as an associate member. Since that time, he has served as the president and treasurer of the Association, as well as participating on various committees and task forces, some of which he has chaired. Randy is originally from Springfield, Illinois, and holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Northern Illinois University, a master’s degree in nursing (specializing in nurse-administered anesthesia) from Bradley University, a Doctor of Nursing Practice from the University of Alabama, and an MBA from Southern Illinois University. He and his wife are the parents of three young daughters.
QLK’s Jake Barto led the search to recruit Randy to the AANA, where his duties began on September 5, 2017.